Diseño genuino de estilo boho. Inspirado en el festival Topanga Days, y su ambiente de musica y libertad.
El set incluye:
- 2 Brazaletes preparados para el brazo derecho e izquierdo.
- 2 anillos para manos bento Maitreya, para la mano izquierda y derecha.
- 2 anillos para manos Vista bento prohands. para la mano izquierda y derecha.
- 2 anillos para manos Slink Dynamic Hands. para la mano izquierda y derecha.
Multiples metales y piedras para combinar con tus vestidos favoritos:
- 4 metales
- 6 piedras
Estos elementos utilizan materiales. Asegurate de activar la opción 'Efectos de relieve y brillo' para verlos como en la imagen
- Para Maitreya Lara bento hands
- Para manos bento Vista prohands
- Para Slink dynaminc hands
- Usa materiales
really good jewellery vista works with eve yay
have vista and eve body tried on body and eve hands it works
Absolutely beautiful but.....
I cannot resize the bracelet which makes this set unusable. If you can overlook a huge gap between your wrist and the jewelry then by all means get this this. Granted I have an avatar that is normal size around five foot seven and most avatars are well over 6 or 7 feet. Please note the textures and the look of this set are breathtaking if you like this style of jewelry.
looks great and i love all the options! hard to find bento jewelry so well priced!
Love it
I'm always looking for nice accessories to go along with my outfits, they are hard to find items,, one's of such nice quality as the products you make..
Thank you
Beautiful work.
I do love your boho jewelry... you'll likely notice if you look that I just bought all of it!! haha... I did want to let you know though that the rings in this set are mislabeled... the right one goes to the left hand and the left to the right hand :) Took me a bit to figure out where the heck my ring was! ;) A very happy customer otherwise!