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{KK} Zooby Jungle Diaper Change & Bath Unit Set

{KK} Zooby Jungle Diaper Change & Bath Unit Set

Originally designed to match the full zooby Jungle Nursery set this changing unit has both a tub and diaper change mat with the official zooby affiliate scripts to raise hygiene and diaper stats.

For the full jungle nursery set please see related items or visit the store where you can enjoy group discounts on all products.

What's Included?

A changing unit with both a tub and diaper mat scripted to raise zooby baby and newborn stats. Parent animations included.

The changing station is decorated with towels and baby products. A mesh wall tree is also included as an optional decor extra.

Prims -
Unit (including decor, tub and mat) - 17
Optional mesh wall tree - 4

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Matches the Zooby Jungle Nursery Set
  • Bath tub and diaper mat which raise stats
  • parent animation
  • Decor including mesh wall tree
  • Wood Changing Unit decored with baby products and towels

L$ 499

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Kitty Kate
Vendido por: 0liviaKate

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Es apta para los avatares kitty kate, kk
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