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[Kemono/Crux] Lolbit Mod

[Kemono/Crux] Lolbit Mod

UPDATE 6/21/2018 - This mod will NOT be updated, instead I plan on remaking it completely! Please be patient and I hope you look forward to a better version eventually! Until then, I have marked it down to 1L :)


You MUST have the

Kemono avatar (body only): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Kemono/6070005

Crux avatar (head only): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FP%20Enigma/205/219/2003

M.O.R Bento Rabbit parts (ears only): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-bento-rabbit-parts/11807043

DS mesh furry lip: (must know how to link objects) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mesh-Furry-Lip-Kit/4163266

*Optional* CrazyCats Kemono paws (legs only): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CrazyCats-Kemono-Paws/7146250

Otherwise these textures will be useless!

Introducing my first Crux mod just in time for the anniversary of the first FNAF game! You may notice that this mod costs a little more than my previous mods, that's because of the amount of textures included and because I finally figured out how to make a decent robot overlay to add to the skin! (inspired by a good friend of mine who also makes FNAF mods) So the mod comes with two different body textures - one "plain" and one "robot"!

This mod also includes two prim spheres to serve as toy animatronic cheeks and to top it off, they're even tintable ^^

As for the ears and tail - I made the M.O.R rabbit ear texture lighter so it could be tinted, and I used the Bento Vixen tail so all I had to do was tint it as well, but with that in mind, you can use just about any tintable ears/tails you can find :D

Here are the RGB codes for the orange parts
R: 255
G: 145
B: 50

This skin is PG so you may want to use this tattoo layer to add bits

WARNING ~ This mod will only work on the animal leg setting on the Kemono HUD!

Also you will need to use the Crux shape with the Kemono avatar and adjust it to your liking in order for the head to fit properly! I also recommend using Ambix's neck extender which you can get for free in their in-world store :)


Tail: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vixen-Tail/10815136

Bikini: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ABC-Bikini-For-Kemono-avatar/6131454

Collar: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vixen-Kemono-Heart-Posture-Collar/7328818

Cuffs: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vixen-BAD-DOG-Collar-Cuffs/8969817

The pirate hook is not included, it came with the "Sexy Foxy" avatar that was sold for free on the FNAF sim, but now that the sim is gone I don't know where you can find the avatar D: Sorry!

~{FNAF and its characters are copyrighted to Scott Cawthon and Scottgames.com, this mod was made for fan entertainment only, I claim no ownership!}~

Please contact FiveNightsAtFreddys if you need help!


*(1/15/2017) This mod is now discounted because I plan on remaking it XD I can't say when that will happen so I'm lowering the price on this one

  • Textures for:
  • The Kemono avatar (BODY ONLY)
  • The Crux avatar (HEAD ONLY)
  • The M.O.R Bento Rabbit parts (EARS ONLY)
  • The CrazyCats Kemono Paws (LEGS ONLY)