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KittyCatS Box 54 Male 8T British Shorthair - Chocolate & White Versión 1.68

KittyCatS Box 54  Male 8T British Shorthair - Chocolate & White

♂ New Born Kitten

Fur: British Shorthair - Chocolate & White
Eyes: Soul Whisper (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Blush
Tail: Super Fussy
Ears: Dreamy Fold
Whiskers: Chocolate Tipped (Shape: Dreamy)
Size: Normal

Version: 1.68
Owner: P͆A͆T͆T͆Y͆L͆I͆C͆I͆O͆U͆S͆ (pattybella21)

MOM: Mellanie
Fur: British Shorthair - Chocolate & White
Eyes: Soul Whisper (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Blush
Tail: Frisky
Ears: Dreamy Fold
Whiskers: Butterscotch Tipped Black (Shape: Double Dreamy)

DAD: Tom
Fur: British Shorthair - Cream & White
Eyes: Exotic Journey (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Curious
Ears: Scotty Fold
Whiskers: Blonde Streaked (Shape: Dreamy)

  • KittyCatS Box 54 Male 8T British Shorthair - Chocolate & White

L$ 550

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Vendido por: Pattybella21

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