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KittyCatS - Click to see my Pedigree Banners Versión v2

KittyCatS - Click to see my Pedigree Banners

KittyCatS - Click to see my Pedigree Banners
5 Styles - some are Mesh some are sculpts

Place your Cats ID: in the Prims Description field. Then place one by your cat. that's it.

Mod/Copy so you can Change Texture or Change Size if you like.

PRIM Versions for the single ribbon too.

Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great service
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado August 07, 2022 por Baral Bing

Bought this item and discovered the script linked to an old url. Contacted the seller and he updated it and sent me a redelievery. Now it works perfectly and I am very pleased :-)

¿Te ha resultado útil esta revisión?

L$ 90

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