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.:KittyKatnip:. Final Fantasy 7 Zell Dincht Face Tattoo

.:KittyKatnip:. Final Fantasy 7 Zell Dincht Face Tattoo
.:KittyKatnip:. Final Fantasy 7 Zell Dincht Face Tattoo
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Welcome to KittyMel's mind, .:KittyKatnip:.! The one to shop to gather and get your smexy gamer geek dork self on! I KittyMel, strive to meet those gaming fan or costume needs with what you look for! Starting back to the roots of Final Fantasy, I have created for you Zell Dincht's tattoo from Final Fantasy 7. Go back in time to Midgar and enjoy this tattoo every time you wear it! To acheive the look casually, I used:

Skin: **NOYA** BLAKE Sunkissed Skin - VIP Gift
Hair: *SH* Leon Hair(mesh)(teddybear)
Shape: Gamer Girl (Modded to my liking)
Clothes: SUGAR Laced Corset V2 and Skirt - Red Velvet

  • Face Tattoo in Tattoo layer only

L$ 25

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Vendido por: KittyMel Ivercourt

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