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.:KosmO:. Simply on your wrist - fatpack

.:KosmO:. Simply on your wrist - fatpack
.:KosmO:. Simply on your wrist - fatpack
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Triple bracelet.
Cold steel, elegant silver, rich gold simply on your wrist!
Resizer script included, fits both mesh avatars and standard avatars.
For male and female.

!! You need a mesh enabled viewer in order to view mesh objects correctly.
As compatible viewers for this items, I suggest you to use either the OFFICIAL Second Life Viewer or one of the third party viewers listd on the SL Wiki, here:

If you have any questions or need further support, or you notice an issue with my creations, please contact:
Siemgirl Karsin

Thank you for shopping @ .:KosmO:.

.:KosmO:. is a Second Life brand founded in 2009 by Siemgirl Karsin. .:KosmO:.'s designs follow this credo: young, glamour and cheeky.
Always up to date, with new and funny patterns yet classic designs or extravagant cuts and high fashion textiles, a .:KosmO:. product lets you shine everytime everywhere.

Official Website and catalogue:

  • 100% MESH
  • Resizer

L$ 99

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


Vendido por: Siemgirl Karsin

Usarlo ahora

Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

Es apta para los avatares clásicos y de malla
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