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*Kw* Al Janna- Golden Fuchsia Bellydance Costume

*Kw* Al Janna- Golden Fuchsia Bellydance Costume
*Kw* Al Janna- Golden Fuchsia Bellydance Costume
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Let your audience sample the delights of paradise with this magnificent and versatile bellydance costume which comes in an array of tempting colors: Aqua, Lime, Cream, Red, Black, Fuchsia and White. Choose gold or silver accents to suit your mood. Feel the glimmering threads gently caress your body as you twirl and sway. Hear the swish of the satin fabric as you move in time to the music.

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L$ 500

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Bellydance Props Kawala
Bellydance Props Kawala
Vendido por: Shica SecretSpy

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