G General

Leaning Animation - non static

Leaning Animation - non static

This is an animation. You can put it in your AO as a ground sit or add it to your creations. This is a non-static animation, meaning that your avatar has little movements - not just frozen in place. It loops seamlessly and looks great. It is copyable so you can put it anywhere you like. This can also be used as a sit in your furniture. For example, put a sit on a car to lean against it or a wall etc. Look for my GnF Easy Sit here on the marketplace if you want to create your own animated chairs etc very easily.

NOTE: This is not a freebie animation that I'm reselling - I created it, so it is unique. I don't expect I'll sell a million of these so it should stay unique as well :)

I'm not interested in selling this with full perms at this time - sorry.

  • Copyable
  • non-static
  • seamless looping
  • not a freebie animation