Lindo - Color Match - v2.701 (1 Game) Versión 2.707
![Lindo - Color Match - v2.701 (1 Game)](
✩ Lindo Color Match - v2.703 (This package contains only one copy of the game. For additional copies, please see: )
❖ What is Lindo Color Match game?
A game that you can set up to anywhere to play you like; clubs, stores, malls, gardens, or anywhere you can imagine.
Also, this game can be used to gain traffic rate in your land since people will spend time in your place while playing this game.
❖ Features and Options
Main options and features:
• [Active]: This option turns off/on the game.
• [Sounds]: This option turns off/on all sounds of the game.
• [Reset]: This option forces to reset all scripts of the game.
• [Info]: Shows details of existing options you have set.
• [Contest]: Shows the contest menu.
Contest menu options and features:
• [Paid]: This option allows you to determine the contest type whether paid or not.
• [GamesToPlay]: This option allows you to determine the amount of games must be played for completion of the contest.
(Please see the help file from the package contents for game play details.)
❖ Contact
Sofistik Resident (Lindo Founder)
L$ 995
Es necesaria la apertura
Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
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