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Long Banner Pack 2 (Full perm)

Long Banner Pack 2 (Full perm)

A 2nd Game of Thrones Textures (Add on) for the "Long Wall Banner Fire & Blood" that you can find in this MP store.
It contain more sigils of few Vassal Houses (10 houses): House Stokeworth, House Stauton, House Rosby, House Qorgyle, House Mallister, House Darklyn, House Allyrion, house Baelish, House Grafton, House upcliff.-

**Make sure you select the "banner layer" open the script folder and just drag them in it, the script will read them all and will add them to the already existing ones.-

*The Textures are Full Perm*

**Link to the long banner: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Long-Wall-Banner-Fire-Blood/23695905