A beautifully crafted tree house perfect for your elvish themed forest scene.
~ Structure Rezzer ~
A 45m tall tree with an approximate 30X30 footprint. Random bird sounds. Texture changer for leaves for the seasons ~ 80 prims
~ Structure ~
Six (6) extremely well constructed multi terraced platforms. All lamps turn on with one touch. A small rope climb. Bridges and ramps creak both randomly and on collision (when walking on) ~ 250 prims
~ Assorted Rezzers ~
**A rocking chair, swing, and small table and chair ~ all with several animations ~ can be found in the 'hollow' of the trunk at the base of the tree ~ 11 prims
**Meditation area can be found on the second tier complete with Harp (animated and with music box with several short songs), Cello (again animated and with music box), two benches with various poses. and a rezzable yoga mat that seats five (5) avatars ~ 40 prims
**Third tiers you will find:
~*~Rezzer for an Elevator/Lift that seats three (3) ~ 16 prims
~*~Rezzer for a Fire or Water Urn, each seat three (3) ~ 7prims
** Top tier is open and roomy for just about anything you could want and also has a Rezzer for a canopy with texture changer ~ 25 prims
Complete Rezzing Status ~ 425 prims
- •Leaves textures for different seasons/moods
- •Playable Harp and Cello w/music box's
- •Yoga Mat for five (5) people
- •Elevator/Lift (seats 3 w/ animations)
- •Fire or Water urn rezzer
This is Awesome!!! It' so Beautiful !!!
This is Awesome, It' so Beautiful, It Goes Great with Your Floating Falls !!! How You Can Shape Prims Like They Grow There Together is Amazing !