!Lyrical B!zarre Templates! - Steam Blind Patch MESH FP

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Thank you for your interest in the Lyrical B!zarre Templates packs.

Pack contains:
Mesh Models
UV Map
Ambient Occlusion Map
Sample Textures
TOS Notecard

The mesh parts are partially or fully double sided, so you will see the inside of the mesh as well as the outside. To texture the mesh object, you need to rezz it on the ground then drag/drop the texture on it. Texturing it while wearing can lead to transparent texture, hence a transparent mesh.

By purchasing this full perm Mesh/Templates Kit you agree to the following set of rules:

1. Not allowed to resell with full permissions.

2. Not allowed to give away any of the templates/mesh models to friends or alts.

3. No refunds on full perm items. In the case of a double purchase please IM/NC the creator.

4. These templates and mesh models are for your own personal use and content creation in SL.

5. If interested in exporting these items to other grids, send a NC/IM to the creator to gain the exporting license.

6. You may use these templates and mesh models to create your own clothes and sell them with limited permissions (either copy/modify or modify/transfer) but you are not allowed to distribute or sell them as textures, psd files or full perm mesh models.

7. The quality of the items is greater than the photos can display. Respect that and the hard work that goes into them.

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Publicado August 07, 2019 por Rah Rehula 5 estrellas

I have many of this creator's work and am always happy with the quality of the design.

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!Lyrical B!zarre Templates!
!Lyrical B!zarre Templates!
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Vendido por: LyricalBizarre
Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

  • Es apta para los avatares clásicos Más información
  • 5 estrellas 1 Reseñas

  • Permisos:
    Copiar Modificarlo Transferencias Usuario con licencia
  • Reenvío automático
  • Malla: 100% Malla