::MCD:: *ROVER 2* -MESH Mens Complete Outfit

::MCD:: *ROVER 2* Complete Outfit !
Cool, casual but classic, this outfit has the perfect look to go on a date or hang with your friends.
>Rigged Mesh Rover Leather Jacket w/without shirt (brown) + alpha size S,M,L, FitMESH v1 FitMESH v2
>>Rigged Mesh ROVER Jeans ( black) + alpha size XS,S,M,L,XL
>>>Non Rigged Mesh Trail Boots (Dark brown) + alpha + base withe Resizer Script
Note: standard rigged mesh clothing is not adjustable or resizable, this is why you have 5 different sizes available for your avatar. Make sure you try all sizes on as that little difference in size makes a huge difference on your avatar.
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