This product is updated regularly so keep an eye out
NOTE: Now comes with bento tail animation hud, plus I meant to write 2 dance huds, not 1 lol
1. Open your inventory and find the "received items" folder
2. Find [MONOCHROME] Furry Newbie Starter Pack (wear me) and right click it and click "add"
3. Click my fursona which pops up on your screen and accept the box that comes up in the right corner
4. Go to your recent items in your folder and boom, there it all is :)
If you have any questions or issues just im me! ^_^ my name is EspressoDepresso
Nice starting kit
lovely starting kit, however the Free Avatar List notecard needs updating as all listed avatars are not free and cost 500L$ to 350L$
overall nice kit regardless
I use this for my furry avatar, and it works great. Everyone I meet seems to love it and wants to makeout with me. I just want to know where you got the avatar shown on the cover.
Animation hud script is broken?
i tried clicking on the hud after i add it and it doesnt do anything.
Fantastic Freebie!
This freebie comes with tons of stuff to help you as a newbie furry or just a general newbie to SL in general!
Great stuff
comes with a lot of helpful, updated stuff