This Pack Include:
4 skin Tones: Pale, Fair, Tanned , Ebony,
3 Head With Out Eyebrows
2 Demo Head Demo Lines Layer too
2 different Eyebrown
19 or more Lipsitck u can make more with combinations
25+ or more Eyeshadow & glitter
Emo makeup Wound, and more
2 Eyelash Layer
2 Different face light layers optional
3 Different Feckless , all face dark, all face soft, body feckless
1 Demo Line and phrase Layers
8 Upper Template ( breast join and separate)
4 Lower Template
4 Eyeliner Different type, Heavy, Smudge, Simple
4 Venus Lower Different Hair Layers
1 Eyebrow Shape
1 Full Perm Shape
More Bonus:
1 Face light Ready for wear
Full Perms, License does not permit resale or redistribution as texture file, resultant works must not be distributed with full perms, or copy and transfer permissions and only for use in Second Life.
That the PSD Skin Kit Templates sold in the store named MunSPain are original creation of secondlife resident MayaHabanaCortes Magic and are duly registered under DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyrights Act).
Georgeuos skin PSD/ TGA/ SHAPE/ ADDONS
A++, this pack is great for the value.!!
Bella Ragazza!!!
Il prezzo è di garantire la perfetta che il prodotto è, il volto è una bellezza mozzafiato. Mi piace molto che a parte il PSD, questo pacchetto offre texture di risparmiare un sacco di tempo per caricare. la forma è perfetta. Avatar bella
:) Happy Costumer..
Only i have one trouble with marketplace, my pc off j ust make a delivery shoopping, i write to the seller and she very friendly. About the PSD files is awesome. All layers come in separate folders, very organized. the shape match perfect with skin, many option for makeup. i recomend 10000000000000%
Great PSD and TGA Texture
This is my one Bussines acount, i buy this package and my surprise are is very complete, have tga texture. i dont need upload and losse money. Only i need make new face makeup, very organized, ve ry real. perfect for my skin bussines.5 star
Best Shooping....!!!
I so happy great template cute and the tga file too are amainzing....!!!
100 % Recommend I like This So Much...!!
Very Organized, and dont waitting for download....Fast for make new Makeup