MadPea Good Peas vs Bad Peas [Add Me!] Boxed
Welcome to the newest MadPea social game: Good Peas vs Bad Peas!
Grab a group of friends and find out who are the good seeds and who are the bad ones. This game is for at least two players, but is always much more fun with a larger group. Anyone can play and it's easy to join and leave at any time. Follow the instructions included and enjoy!
How to play:
Touch game to join in! The Boss Pea answers a random question. All other players have 30 seconds to also answer the same question. After the time is up, all players who picked the same answer as the Boss Pea gets a point, and a new title. After each question a new Boss Pea is chosen. First player who reaches 10 points, wins the game!
Menu options:
Join: Get a titler to play. You MUST accept attach permissions to play!
Help: Give how to play and menu options notecard.
Start: Boss Pea uses this after all players have joined and ready to begin.
Question: Current Boss Pea uses to ask the next question. All other players, if you lost your question menu, you can get a new one.
Quit: If you want to drop out of the current game. You can't rejoin until there is a new one.
Reset (Owner Only!): Reset the game entirely. This will cancel the current game.
Land impact of this item is 2.
✄ The MadPea Good Peas vs Bad Peas is 100% original mesh created by the MadPea Productions Team
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Playable game
- Safe for work edition
- Find out who are the good seeds and who are the bad ones. T
- Play with friends
- First to reach 10 points wins!
love the game
i love the game thank you very much for making it