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Mecha Cruiser - Seahawk - FatPack

Mecha Cruiser - Seahawk - FatPack
Mecha Cruiser - Seahawk - FatPack
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Voyage cruiser (Temporary) : 40 LI
Display cruiser : 39 LI
*2 types included
* The display has the engine removed to reduce the load on the sim.

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how to ride
1) Rez on the sea.
2) Click on the hull to open the pie menu, and "Board".
* This ship is a two-seater. Passengers should touch the hatch on the back seat to open it and touch the seat.


Maneuvering method
Basically, "arrow keys" are used for forward, reverse / brake, starboard, and port.
↑ Key : Automatic accelerator (gear is raised by the amount of time the key is pressed. If you keep pressing it, ship will accelerate)
↓ key : The brake is applied by forcibly returning the gear to neutral.
* Press the "↓ key" while berthed to move backward.

Page down key: Brake
Stop the ship moving forward or backward.
* It is recommended to press the "↓ key" and then the "Page down key" to stop the brake.
* If you stop with only the "Page down key" without pressing the "↓ key", when you start, the gear will move at the speed of the gear immediately before you stopped. Please note that if you are driving at high speed, the speed will suddenly increase.


*Click on the back of the stern or in front of the lights at the tips of the left and right floats to turn on the headlights.
* If you click anywhere on the viewer screen while on board, the horn will sound.
* It is recommended that you delete the ship you have finished without taking it. Please note that the moving parts may be damaged if you rez the taken ship.

As it is a high-speed boat, please be careful not to overspeed.


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L$ 480

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


Vendido por: Izu Whitefalcon

Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

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Reenvío automático
Malla: Malla parcial
Impacto en el terreno: 40