Rezzer and packaging are no transfer.
Building system based on fitting complete rooms together. 870 parts in total.
Allows very fast building construction and texturing. Low Land Impact.
(Video link below)
This is a more complex building system and it is important to understand its principles and approach. Following the step by step Training guide to get acquainted with the system is a must. (Outlined at Manual and Videos)
Some basic knowledge of Second Life building is required.
As building takes place with pre-made rooms with fixed portals and windows, there are certain limitations. If you are looking for a system to build freely and fully creative please see our Walls A building system.
But if you want to have a complete building done in a just couple of hours, if you want to be able to retexture and change rooms easily, or if you need to set up an entire village.. this is the right product.
Texturing has never been more easy. All the walls on a part share the same face and repeats are preset.
Drop your seamless texture on a wall-side and the whole room will be textured at once. The texture will appear without any stretching, repeated according the room size. Similar with the floors.
The system is designed to be assembled using Snap to Grid. All parts snap to a 0.5m Grid.
The system is explicit made for applying seamless textures directly inworld.
It is not possible to create specific textures for it with an external editor.
There are no UV or AO maps included. (Except Portal Frames and Windows AO and SPEC maps)
The system uses a Rezzer to access parts, overview images, and the manual.
Each part in the set consists of a certain amount of 'Blocks'. (1 Block is 4m x4m)
The parts connect by portals. A huge amount of portal position possibilities have been included to allow puzzling the parts together.
Most parts have several versions with windows. These come as 1, 2 or 3 adjacent windows, or 1 large window.
The basic height of a wall is 4m. 'Heighten' parts going from 1 up to 4m allow to create higher ceilings.
Available Room sizes by amount of Blocks :
1x1 / 1x2 / 2x2 / 2x3 / 3x3 / 3x4 / 3x5 / 4x4 / 4x5 / 4x6
Corridors are build with 1 and 2-Block Corridor parts.
Other parts included :
Exterior Portals, Exterior Walls, Stairwells, Portal Frames, and Windows A1.
Land Impact
From 0.5 up to 9 for the largest and most complex parts.
Portal positions :
Corridors - All portal amounts and combinations covered
Rooms up to 3x3 Blocks - All possible positions of 1 and 2 portals covered.
Larger Rooms (3x4 and above) have a limited amount of possibilities covered.
Remarks :
- This is a standalone system and not related to the ZimberLab Walls A Building System.
However the Walls A parts can be used within its buildings.
Interior use: parts fit directly
Exterior use: parts needs resizing in height by 10cm
- Window openings are not physical, it is not possible for an avatar to pass through them.
- The Rezzer is no transfer, all content comes with full permissions.
- All our products are designed for regular texture mapping. Planar mapping may not render correctly on certain parts (BUG-4066).
For information regarding the use of our products visit
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This item is intended to be a component for use in your own creations.
In no way this item may be redistributed with full permissions.
Please read and respect our terms of use below.
By purchasing this product you agree to the following terms :
You are allowed to:
- Modify and use this product as a part of your own creations and sell them with no copy OR no transfer permissions.
You are not allowed to:
- Distribute this product with both copy and transfer permissions.
- Distribute this product as part of a freebie or any price below L$ 10.
- Distribute this product as it is.
- Distribute or advertise this product using our name, logo, packaging or packaging textures.
- Distribute or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life with exception of the Second Life Marketplace.
'Product' is defined as every item that comes with the purchase, including the packaging and its textures, except otherwise stated on the product's Info & License notecard.
'Distribute' is defined as any form of transfer or publishing, be it by print, copy, distribution, disclosure, selling or sharing.
© Copyright 2016, Doctor Zimberman, ZimberLab. All rights reserved.
Ver el artículo en Second Life Ver vídeo »Hard to use
i was not happy on this purchase, too hard to use
I haven't used this system yet, but watched some of the tutorials. Once I finished watching the tutorials, I will give it a shot. Anyway, I purchased to make it easier when building. Hopefully, I will get the hang of using this system. Thanks.
Nevermind I love it!
I had to change my view point on how I was doing things, this is actually a really great system! Thanks Zim!
I was a little daunted about this when i first got it, i had wanted to for ages, but wasn't sure I'd be able to figure it all out. But so glad i finally went for it!, the system is amazing, and has everything you need to make beautiful builds. But i have to say, the video that comes with it, is well worth having a look at, it helped me so so much, It tells you step by step exactly how to build your house/building etc, I watched it first, and then played it again, pausing and playing as i went through my build, and you can't fail that way, once you do that. But I am sure for those that don't needed to be guided step by step like me :), there is full instructions too on your rezzer,. Once i did my first build, all i learnt via the video and instructions, I didn't need the video again, I am on to my second build now, no instructions needed! :), thanks so much Doctor Zimberman, !
Excellent - as expected...
I've been using this for a while, now, and came to think of something now. There's that notecard that is included in every block created by the system. Would it be possible to put a resizer script into the block, too, perhaps optionally? I drag a resizer script out of the inventory to each block I rezz, it would be great to be able to just touch the object and choose my resizing percentage.
Love it!
I bought this set and advance set still trying to figure out what piece to start with such as the living room area. I do love every set this man makes! Keep up the great work zimber!