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Trap Door Versión 1.2

Trap Door
Trap Door
0 Reseñas

Stop putting a 'Bottle Cap' looking disc on the ground for your visitors to teleport around with. Add some style with this Mesh Trap Door Teleporter.

Visitors touch to open the Trap Door Sitting on the open door teleports them to the destination.

Setup is easy; Update the Notecard inside the Trap Door to the teleport destination. Reset the script and it's ready to use.

Works in any destination within 300 meters. The destination does not have to be below the door, it can be anywhere.

Copy Modify permissions with UV Mapped Texture Faces. Use custom colors and textures on any face of the build. 2 Styles at 1 to 2 LI:

Top Over Set - 2.5m x 2.5m x 0.2m
Top Level Set - 9m x 9m x 0.1m

  • 100% Mesh Teleporter replicating a Trap Door
  • Easy Setup, Copy Modify Permission
  • UV Mapped Texture Faces - 2 LI
  • Teleports to a defined endpoint on the same sim
  • Sitting on the Open Door Teleports the user

L$ 18

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

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