Now you can create a meteor shower on demand! Rez the object where you want meteors to fall, and they will fall randomly within 10 meters of the target. Use it to surprize your friends! Use it to "attack" a building! Great for mage avatars! Great for parties! The effects are best at night, but good at any time of the day! The meteors will explode immediately upon contact with an object or person. They will stick around on the ground for a little bit for curious onlookers. You can walk into them or shoot them and they will blow up. They do not do damage. I now have a version 2 where the meteors explode on contact with land too (called Meteor Storm v.2).
This will rez 10 temp meteors with a random time delay (up to 5 seconds) between each meteor. It will then delete itself for easy cleanup. You don't have to delete anything when its done.
- Beautiful particle and light display, lighting up the nearby area with an eerie glow at night!
- Sounds, including an impact sound!
- Self cleaning!
- This must be used in a script enabled area for it to work properly.
- Enjoy!
- Creates a storm of meteors!
- Meteors stick around on the ground
- Meteors explode on contact with objects
- Rezes 10 meteors
- Meteors make sound / cast a glow