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*Mommy Inc* HUD-Driven Highly Detailed Ebony Prim Baby Girl v2.4.2

*Mommy Inc* HUD-Driven Highly Detailed Ebony Prim Baby Girl v2.4.2
*Mommy Inc* HUD-Driven Highly Detailed Ebony Prim Baby Girl v2.4.2
1 Reseñas

Over 5000 happy parents with Mommy Inc babies!!!

*HUD-Driven Interactive Baby*
This adorable baby has many fun features at a reasonable price!


You can easily rename your baby! Your baby can be used over again unlike other babies on the market. Simply rename your baby if you want to use it again (shh, I won't tell)!

Simple HUD - change their clothes, add an accessory, change their facial expressions, and interact with your baby!

--Mommy AO--
Simple to use AO for holding your baby - animated stands, walk, and sit! It also overrides all default Second Life animations so you will always be holding your baby (no more babies flopping at your side when you fly or jump)!

--Baby Faces--
Use the HUD to change your baby's face. They can be awake, sleeping, or laughing!

Tons of clothing options included with your baby. Tops, pants, swimwear, shoes, hair, and hats! Many colors and patterns included. Mix and match for a custom look!

--Add-on Items--
A bottle, a binky (pacifier), a rattle, and a stuffed toy to play with.

Interactions driven by a drop down menu that will be shown in general chat. You or other avs can interact with your baby by clicking the simple to use HUD or the baby directly. Sing, read, play, tickle, feed, etc. Don't like the included interactions? Change them to anything you want by editing the interactions notecard.

They can coo, cry, baby talk, and even say "Mama" and "Dada"!

--Partner Baby--
We have included a mod/ no copy/ transfer version of the baby and HUD to pass to your partner so they can hold the baby!

Your baby is mod/ copy/ no transfer. Make a backup copy in your inventory and never worry about a lost baby when SL goes crazy! Since the baby is copy... you can have twins! Simply make a copy of your baby and attach the new baby to another attachment point. Voila, you have twins! (A special Twins AO can be purchased separately at Mommy, Inc).

--Support Group--
Mommy Inc Support Group - to help you with your baby at any time!

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Mod/ No Copy/ Transfer full version baby to pass to your partner!
  • HUD-Driven with loads of options: clothes, hair, accessories, facial expressions
  • Fully customizable interactions - modify to whatever you want!
  • Rename your baby, reusable; copiable baby so you can make twins from one baby
  • Full body baby holding Mommy AO (animation overrider) included
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L$ 999

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Sexy Mamas
Vendido por: Tigerlily Hyun

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