G General

N00030 - Roller Skates

N00030 - Roller Skates

Realistic unisex roller skates

HUD system for resize and wheels color change

Basic roller Animation Override

Clasificación media: estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía
  • 5 estrella:
  • 4 estrella:
  • 3 estrella:
  • 2 estrella:
  • 1 estrella:
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado May 29, 2019 por amberstarfield

Would be nice if there was more color options, but it is worth the $L.

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good for skaters who start and do not want to invest too much <3
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado May 29, 2019 por Miyu Gant

for the price they cost they are very good, I have not tried the official hud of these skates, but I'm using them with another hud apart and they look very nice, thanks for the great job, finally at that price there is no need to complain, do your function in one way or another, has a hud to change the color of its rough and size to suit, so it will fit any avatar human size, my size is a children and fit me perfectly n_n

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good mesh, bad animation
estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado May 07, 2019 por SirGriffin Vondran

there's nothing wrong with the mesh, its really good, but the animation ruins the product, permanently skating around on ur toes, looks unnatural

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