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NB Exterior Paint Shell 1024 Fat Pack (BOXED) Versión 1.0

NB Exterior Paint Shell 1024 Fat Pack (BOXED)
NB Exterior Paint Shell 1024 Fat Pack (BOXED)
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Welcome to our new Bellisseria line. This product line will focus on additions for use with the Linden Homes found on the Bellisseria continent. All products in the Bellisseria line have handmade LODs that retain their shape even at an LOD viewer setting of 1.0

Newbrooke Homes Exterior Paint Shell 1024 Fat Pack

This Fat Pack only contains shells for the these homes:

- Aldridge
- Bradbury
- Coniston
- Heaton

These shells wrap around your Newbrooke Linden Home giving you the option to tint each panel separately with the color of your choice through the intuitive HUD. Besides a custom color you can also choose to apply the 9 original colors and 3 different textures that come with your Newbrooke Linden Home. The fat pack contains one rezzer that will detect your current home style and apply the correct shell.


- One rezzer for all Newbrooke home types.
- High precision mesh shell with no gaps or flickering.
- The shell automatically snaps to your Newbrooke Linden Home, eliminating the need for editing the shell in place.
- The intuitive HUD lets you change texture and color for each panel fast and easy.
- Manually enter and read the current color code in RGB, LSL and Hex formats.
- High quality LODs that work with a viewer LOD setting of 1.0


All scripts are copy only.
The HUD is copy only.
The shell is copy/mod but locked in place when rezzed so you will need to unlock it first to edit.

! Please use this item responsible and with consideration for your neighbours !

  • 100% Original MESH
  • High LOD / Low Li
  • Color HUD
  • Snaps to your Linden Home
  • Tint each panel separately

L$ 999

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Needful Prims
Needful Prims
Vendido por: Christhiana

Se necesita terreno

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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  • Usuario con licencia
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