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NB Halloween ghost 6

NB Halloween ghost 6

NB low prim & low price

Beautiful Ghost for halloween, perfect for decoration a castle, cript, home, or other halloween ambientation or scene.

1 Prim with alpha texture (no stone in background, only ghost); It's a prim (not a texture)

Happy Halloween

See my other furniture, price offer : 9 linden, 26 linden, 32 linden, 53 inden, 77 linden...

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goth, gothic, crypt, dark, beautiful, gorgeous, black, white, alpha, texture, textures, decor, decoration, old, cemetery, night, ritual, rituals, darkness, castle, tomb, fantasma, man, men, women, horror.

Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star half star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado August 12, 2017 por CharlieCosmic

Great ghost! Low prim and great price! ty!

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L$ 21

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Nuit Bartavelle

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