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Nature builder - Summer Trees Textures

Nature builder - Summer Trees Textures
Nature builder - Summer Trees Textures
0 Reseñas

For all nature builders
12 full permission summer trees textures.
512x512, high res, clear alpha
Ideal for 1 prim.
Builder friendly.
Ready to use them in world!

By purchasing these textures you agree that you will NOT:
- sell this textures full perm
- give away this textures full perm or share with anyone else
- sell textures you make from this textures full perm
- use this textures or part of textures to create kit that you will sell full perm
- this licence is for one avatar ONLY!!!
- for Second life ONLY!
- Textures can be modified but not resold or redistributed as textures

Violation of TOS will force DMCA action.

No refunds.

  • 12 full permission textures
  • Summer&Spring trees
  • 512x512
  • high res

L$ 450

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


Luna McMillan - Lunas boutique
Luna McMillan - Lunas boutique
Vendido por: Luna McMillan

Usarlo ahora

Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

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  • Usuario con licencia
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