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Nocturnal - Red Club or Cocktail Dress

Nocturnal - Red Club or Cocktail Dress
Nocturnal - Red Club or Cocktail Dress
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A sparkly dress for your nights out on the town. It comes with a Rose back drop necklace.

5 Standard Sizing XXS to L

To see a mesh item you need a mesh-enabled viewer like the last available Second Life official viewer or a recent alternative viewer.

About Standard Sizing :- What is Standard Sizing?
Standard Sizing is a system created to standardize avatar shapes so that rigged mesh clothing can be created to fit most adult human female avatars and so that consumers will be able to objectively identify their own avatar with one of the Standard Sizes, enabling them to comfortably purchase rigged mesh clothing and accessories. We have created a group of 5 shapes representing the 5 most common adult human female avatar sizes in Second Life: Extra Extra Small (XXS), Extra Small (XS), Small (S), Medium (M), and Large (L).

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L$ 150

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Emberotic's Fashion Designs
Vendido por: Emberotic Draconia

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Es apta para los avatares clásicos y de malla
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