Ostrheinsburg Castle Throne Room full 474
Please read in a thick cheesy Russian accent-
Welcome to - Knocgouv-
We provide top notch - Knocgouv- brand cosplay, cheap and affordable, Okay quality to the average SL man.
Now about this item. Ahem
While working on our SoCal series of cosplay, we needed a place that had that SoCal feel,
Unfortunately, we were unable to find a place suited for our needs.
SO we did what any cosplay pirate would so, we traveled to Ostrheinsburg Castle and stole their throne room.
Carefully imported into this country part by part by blind pirates, we put together this beauty here!
Now it is heavy yes yes, but look at that quality, fine Ostrheinsburg stone, and metals, you can't get that anywhere else, Quality my friend quality!
Just don't go poking around the back of the stage
not much to see there.
(Seriously though, I tried my best to align such a big build in from the game, however, I have very poor vision so somethings may be misaligned.
I tried to keep the Li down but failed when we scaled it up. which is why it's priced at this level. Sorry about that. I also made it mod and copy so you can fix anything I might've missed or if you need to you know link an invisible prim there in case mine failed.
Another thing to mention and this is the important part this is one giant linkset with no rezzer thinng.I don't know how to make those work so make sure you have build mode enabled when you rezz it.
What else, of final thing.
I'm sorry about the price, I wanted to make this a freebie but it took 3027L to import this beast in, So I'm hoping to recover just abit of that back so I can bring you guys more cosplay)
So many compliments!
I put this up and darkened it (yes, it's mod!) and people loved it for our "dark romance" dance. I added anchor scripts and dropped it into my rez-foo and I was able to go from 1 prim to a full venue in no time! Thank you for such a lovely build.
Just fantastic
It's a total bargain at current price! Thanks a lot man!
L$ 50
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