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*-*C-Outlet*-* Mosa Hanging Lamp Versión mesh bookcase

*-*C-Outlet*-* Mosa Hanging Lamp
*-*C-Outlet*-* Mosa Hanging Lamp

Hanging lamp clothed style desgin in a warm beige abstract texture. Copy and mod, meaning you can make several lamps in any size you wish.

Included is a switch light on/off script. By a single touch you can bright up the room or dim it.

Ideal for all types of home.

Item is modify and copy.

In case of any problems feel free contact: Crixus Domenici.

  • lamp
Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado January 13, 2017 por Kyan Logan

really nice piece with a great texture and a great price too, thank you!

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L$ 10

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Vendido por: Crixus Domenici

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Malla: 100% Malla
Impacto en el terreno: 9