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:[P]:- Ysa Metalline Dresses [boxed.]

:[P]:- Ysa Metalline Dresses [boxed.]
:[P]:- Ysa Metalline Dresses [boxed.]
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★ It means a lot to me to get good feedback! Problems? Send me a notecard inworld so we can get it resolved -before- you leave a negative review. Please don't leave one without trying to get your item fixed! It makes me spicy.
★ To see more about this item and it's features, check the pictures and read all info closely!
★ [Petrichor] is committed to making clothes, accessories, skins, decor, and much more to accent and upgrade your virtual life.
★ Any questions, comments, or feedback or customer service requests can go to me in NC form inworld, search Aikea Rieko!
★ Need info on this specific item? Shoot an inquiry our way! We are happy to help <3

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★ [Petrichor] Inworld Group Link: secondlife:///app/group/b43442a1-b2f0-5f5e-2399-59af3d0bbb7e/about
★ Petrichor/Plastik was founded in 2006 amd we are happy to still be making pretties for your beautiful faces. Gorgeous 100% custom mesh, sculpts, Items, & lush textures,
Original Fantasy skins, items, accessories, decor, and more.

L$ 299

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Vendido por: Vae Darkheart

Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

Es apta para los avatares clásicos y de malla
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