Name of the item: Autumn Short Table
Collection: Original/ 2020
Category: Decor
100 % original mesh by Trinity Yazimoto.
Hands up if you are a fan of short side-tables made of natural materials that will be adding a homey feeling to any space.
This wooden table might be discreet in size and wood texture, but don't be fooled! It can easily hold all your autumn decorations and make them pop-out in every room!
It can be stuffed with your trick-or-treat candy-filled baskets and numerous Halloween decorations eerie or not!
Just a word of warning here, the table is so cute, fairies might snatch it off for their own magic adobes!
Short table : 2 Li
Be aware that the land impact may vary with the size.
Materials enabled (see the notecard about the materials)
Perms: Copy and mod.
COPYRIGHT : This mesh is 100% my own creation. Every mesh is created in Blender (3D software) by myself. You are allowed to use it within Second Life with copy and modify perms according to the meaning given to those permission by the SL TOS.
This work is protected by European laws about Intellectual Property Protection as i live and create in Europe.
You can modify the item and customize it to your liking : it's all modify !
For any question, contact Trinity Yazimoto by IM (no notecard please, as they are often eaten by SL and I can't read or answer them from my mailbox).
Thank you.
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Short Table