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Photo Studio Skybox Apartment + Ground Gallery

Photo Studio Skybox Apartment + Ground Gallery

67 Prim Photo Studio / studio apartment skybox

all parts are copy mod. you may change textures & resize as you like.

comes fully setup via rezz anchor box. simply move the rezz box and everything moves with it. you can rezz and derezz as needed by touching the anchor and using the menu. This allows you to move all the parts at the same time when setting up. after its all rezzed you will be able to go inside and delete things if you wish and redecorate to your own taste if you desire.

the photo booths are great tools if you use Photoshop or gimp. the goal is to eleminate all shadows from your model if you plan on photoshoping in background. I find the cawl & FSoriginal are great settings to reduce shadows, but you can use any in world setting you choose.

2 of the booths have touch on touch off lights.

the light boxes and umbrella cast light without the use of scripts. you can mod how much light they give off if you understand how to edit object features in the edit section. my goal here was added light sources without alot of extra scripts.

the building has a 30x30 footprint and 20 tall. I have this exact skybox in the sky above a small 1024 sq meter lot. for a small lot, prim use is crucial. I kept it simple.

Tip: set your home inside the skybox to go right to it, or buy a teleporter to make the journey to the skybox simple and fast.

----------For the Ground-------------
also in the box is a small shop for your land. turn it into a photo gallery or any type of store you desire. it is fully mod and only 11 prims.

take a video tour of the set up skybox here:

Skybox Set Up:

Ground Store Tour:

Ver vídeo »
  • photo studio
  • lights
  • camera
  • apartment loft
  • photo booths