Here comes a nice notecard dropper for your shop, your home or your event: A pin board, where you drag on your notecard directly from your inventory.
A hover text tells your customer or your friends or your guests how it works: Just write a notecard and drag it on your suggestions box - pin board.
The hover text script of you pin board is full permission. The floating text says "drop your notecard here" - but as it is full permission, you can change the floating text any time.
The script which is responsible for the notecard keeping is copy. So you can take it out from the pin board - suggestions box and drop it inside everything you want. This moment the new items works as suggestion box.
The pin-board is copy and modify.
The whole pin board has one prim.
Good News!
Rita Munro
- Pin Board
- Notecard Dropper
- Suppestion Box
- Somebody may leave you a message by dropping a notecard
- you will find all your notecards in the content of the prim