Well, I hope you enjoy this little oddity as much as I enjoyed creating it.
These little creatures can be set to wander around your home, or you can attach them for use as an Avatar because they have a walking AO.
They will give someone a baby, too.
3 prims / 3 li at default size
It can get very small and very large. :)
2 versions are included, as well has 6 unscripted props for decoration.
No Modify
No Transfer
The static props are Modifiable.
Please view the DEMO in world.
~ Please ensure you have permission to rez, have enough prims available, and are using the correct Group for the land.
~ Rez or attach your pet and touch it. The menu will appear.
~ When attached to the Avatar Center, the pet will react to anyone touching it. It has a fixed rotation. It will not do this from any other attachment point.
~~~~ MENU
~ Name:
Rename your pet.
~ Make Friend:
Give a pet (not scripted) to a nearby avatar using the menu to select. (10m range)
~ Wander:
Position your pet at the height and location you wish before using this feature. Then set your pet to wander around randomly. There are 4 options for distance. The selection you choose determines how far from the starting point the pet could go. Wander only looks good on flat surfaces. (It uses llSetKeyframedMotion, so it will not collide with anything. These are not Physical.)
This pet will stop when someone touches it.
~ Stay:
Take your pet out of Wander mode
~ Avatar:
Use your pet as an avatar or an attached follower. It will walk when you walk and stop when you stop. This requires the pet to be attached to the Avatar Center position. You may manually attach or use the Avatar button. The pet will recognize when it is attached.
~ Resize
Resize your pet.
~ Help:
Get a copy of this helpful notecard
~ Main Menu:
Return to the main menu
~ Reset Script:
Reset Scripts (Just in case SL gets weird...)
~ Close Menu:
Close the menu. (The menu will time out in 30 seconds, anyway.)
- Animated Pet & Props
- Wanders on Flat Surface
- Resize & Rename
- Gives Gift