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Pocketbooks and Poses (Five) Just Wear (box) Versión 1

Pocketbooks and Poses (Five) Just Wear (box)
Pocketbooks and Poses (Five) Just Wear (box)
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Pocketbook and Five Poses by RAZMATAZ, Just wear and you will pose. You also get a pocketbook without a script or pose in it. If you want, you can copy the animations out of the pocketbook from contents and put into inventory or your own HUD.
Poses were given for SL10B in July 2013.

Come to RAZMATAZ for unique poses and animations

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Pocketbook and Poses to Wear by RAZMATAZ
  • Pocketbook very good quality
  • Five Animated Poses
  • Smooth Animated Poses

L$ 99

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Razmataz Art, Poses and Animations
Razmataz Art, Poses and Animations
Vendido por: Melonie Romano

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Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

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