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Portal of The Demon's Claw

Portal of The Demon's Claw
Portal of The Demon's Claw
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1. Wear portal (Note: Do not rez portal on the ground.)
2. Type “/77 teleport”. A demon’s claw will rise up from the ground, grab you, and pull you underground. Includes flame sound effects.
3. Teleport to the landmark of your choice.
4. When you appear on the other end, the demon’s claw will lift you out of the ground, let you go, and sink back into the ground.

All elements of this portal are worn. Therefore, you do not need to be on a sim that allows you to rez objects in order to use. You must be on a sim that allows scripts to run though.

This product includes normal maps. In order to view the claw with these maps applied, you must be using a materials capable viewer (such as the Official SL Viewer and Firestorm Public Beta). To enable these textures, click on Me -> Preferences -> Graphics, and check the "Advanced Lighting Model" box.

This portal can be used in conjunction with my other portals for added effect (such as the Portal of the Fiery Pentacle or Portal of Darkness)

L$ 125

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


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Talevin's Designs - Staves, Wands and Curiosities
Vendido por: Talevin Whelan

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

Este objeto contiene objetos que se puede poner tu avatar.

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