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Possum Time Clock by XianJaguar

Possum Time Clock by XianJaguar

Possums are some of the neatest animals out there. And they make great pets too. They're so sweet and...um...adorably stupid. This clock was created for Second Life by XianJaguar using high quality textures.

The analog clock is copy/mod to allow you to adjust size to fit your environment, and the scripts are likewise open for modification. Time is easily set to your local timezone by clicking the clock then following the menu - both hours and minutes can be set independently.

This clock automatically resets on rez, as well as offering a reset in the menu, making it easy to reset to the default SL time.

Search for Other XianJaguar Clocks on MarketPlace (or search for 'XianJaguar Clock'):

SnackTime, SleepyTime, Time to go Nuts, SnuggleTime, FloofyTime, Lady Frost (mature), Yin Yang Cats, Nikita (mature), Flower Time (mature), Time for Work, Martini Time, Possum Time, Time for Fruit.

  • Menu driven - click to set local time
  • Full Copy and Mod
  • Edittable Script