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..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS 12 Bow Tie Alpha Textures

..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS 12 Bow Tie Alpha Textures

Thank you for taking an interest in the Bow Ties Alpha Textures from ..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS. For more texture sets please visit my stores here:


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If you have any issues with this set of textures please send a NOTECARD to Ariana Monaron and I will do my best to solve it.


This kit contains 12 textures in great quality resolution (500 X 500) of bow ties in different colors on a transparent background. Tint the grey one in the color of your choice.

Full permissions for use in your designs, builds etc.

Terms of sale for full permissions textures:

You are not allowed to distribute for free or resell these textures, original or modified, as textures themselves, separately or as part of a pack.

You can use these textures freely for building your own objects that can be freebies or products for sale as long as they can't be extracted from your item.

Violations will be reported to Linden Labs under the American DCMA Copyright Act and this could result in your suspension from Second Life.

These textures are not refundable as they are COPY/MOD/TRANS.


Thank you,

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estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado March 02, 2020 por wbfloyd

are your bow ties wearable or that just for looks. what a ass I am thinking their wearable texures total was of my lindens SHAME ON ME

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Great! They are EXACTLY what they say they are and what I needed!
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado January 06, 2015 por SalineDD

I have recently branched out into applier design for mesh bodies and these boys are cute for a pop of color when needed. They exactly what they say they are and look exactly how they should. Considering they are flat PNG's the quality is some of the best i have seen. I will def. continue to buy products form this maker the prices are amazing and you get what you pay for.... which in SL is rare!

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My fault for not reading lol
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado December 16, 2014 por AccountPending

I have no use for them. I was looking for a tie to wear. I'm not going to wear a flat prim tie. That would look cheap.

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