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Red bell flowers

Red bell flowers
Red bell flowers
0 Reseñas

Beautiful bell flowers which look lovely in any garden, meadow or potted. The set includes two seperate plants (3 prims each) and one patch (5 prims). Modifiable so you can make them bigger if you wish.

Transferrable so make a beautiful gift :)

Visit our beautiful MayLou Garden Centre for flowers, trees, pagodas, seating & greenhouses

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Beautiful bell flowers which look lovely in any garden, meadow or potted
  • Detailed hand drawn textures. Flexi so they move gently in the breeze :)
  • Inc; two individual plants & one patch
  • Modifiable so you can adjust for size
  • Transferrable so make a beautiful gift :)

L$ 125

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MayLou Designs
MayLou Designs
Vendido por: Loulou Riverview

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