The Region Data Recorder helps landowners to stay informed about what is happening on their land. Great for keeping an eye on tenants you think might be breaking the rules when you arent looking, or just to keep an eye on the loading. It displays and records the number of avatars present on a sim and the number of prims in use, both normal and temp rezzed. The prim count can be taken either for all your land in a region or just the current parcel. These figures are recorded and the maximums can be emailed to you each day and/or week.
The device also displays the current readings as text above it including the temp rezzed prims.
Below is shown a typical weekly email sent by the device.
Weekly report for region Meydstow
Region is located at grid co-ordinates 295424, 278784 and is rated MATURE
Avatars on the sim today were 15 maximum seen at 15:53, and the average was 6.006602
Prim usage today was 12589 maximum seen at 16:03
Maximum avatars for the last 7 days -
| 16 | 26 | 21 | 17 | 23 | 19 | 15 |
Average avatars for the last 7 days -
| 6.85 | 9.12 | 7.24 | 6.36 | 8.41 | 7.37 | 6.00 |
Maximum prims for the last 7 days -
| 11837 | 11676 | 12384 | 12704 | 12636 | 12048 | 12589 |
- Record avatars on sim
- Record prims used on sim or parcel
- Weekly or daily reports