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Repair Netting - Animated Chores

Repair Netting - Animated Chores
Repair Netting - Animated Chores
1 Reseñas

Repair Netting
Animated Chores

A fun and unique animated Role Play item for Fish Mongers or Fish wives or the avid Fisherman.

Use as pier or wharf decoration and seating for fun.

Repair Netting while sitting on a crate. Ropes and Crates for atmosphere and an animation for a player to weave the netting together.

A unique piece, and fun RP Prop. Celtic Stories, Medieval Role Play, or for decorating outside an Inn, A pirate house or Seaside tavern.

tagMedieval tagPirate tagFantasy tagSteampunk

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Animated pose shows the Avatar fixing netting
  • Created for a Role Play
  • Rustic details for themed areas
  • Use on Docks or onboard ships
Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star full star
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L$ 265

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Frosty Insoo - Savage
Frosty Insoo - Savage
Vendido por: Frosty Insoo

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Impacto en el terreno: 6