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[Rezz Room] Box Lion Male FATPACK

[Rezz Room] Box Lion Male FATPACK
[Rezz Room] Box Lion Male FATPACK
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[Rezz Room] Lion Male Adult Animesh (companion) and Pride Rock

ANIMESH (companion) (rezzable and wearable)
Animesh animates with your avatar, when you walk, run, or stay inactive.
It's the same pet to wear (add) or rez on floor.
Land Impact varies but in general , we are near 40 li.

Right click on your companion, more, touch to have access to the menu where you will find the options of the animal that you bought. Some options can change on models. Here's the full list

Colors Menu:
- 2 Fur Colors
- 2 Eyes Colors

Settings Menu:
- Sounds on/ off
- Volume

Materials Menu:
- Normal Maps
- Specular maps
- Glossy

Animations Menu:
- Loop animation , chose the one you want your dog plays
- Toggle Menu will allow you to not play the animation you don't want on your dog.
- 22 statics poses ( for picture f.e)

Name Menu:
- Hidden ( you will not see the name)
- Change
- Random will whose a name for you
- Chose the colors of the name tag

ACTIVITY MENU (when on floor)
- Mode menu : Idle / Wander / Follow
- Settings : fluffy / sounds / Phantom (fluffy depends of the animal)
- Materials : Normal / Specular / Glossy
- Animations : Loop/Toggle/Statics
- Name
- Radius

Second Life just authorize 1 animesh for basic account, 2 for premium account. That's why we make static leash or accessories too.

You may need to adjust the height or position of your pet according to your avatar

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  • [Rezz Room] Box Lion Male FATPACK

L$ 1,750

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[Rezz Room]
[Rezz Room]
Vendido por: bartazor

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Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

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