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*Romance* Frame E - Wall Decor, Painting, Art

*Romance* Frame E - Wall Decor, Painting, Art
*Romance* Frame E - Wall Decor, Painting, Art
0 Reseñas

Make your house a home with this original SL Artwork! No need to settle for anything less than inimitable quality to decorate your space.

All my pictures are taken by me and spiced with some magic, to give them an unique mood and feel. Photography is my passion and inspiration and I´m doing it with my heart and soul! I´m working on every artwork carefully and a long time, to make it distinctive and give it a one of a kind mood.

*Autumn Magic* Framed ( high quality sculpted frame ) Picture on Canvas

Perms: Modify/Copy - You can easily change it to the size you prefer

Prims: 2

Please take the time to visit my in world Gallery to see *Autumn Magic* and many more of my images on display, don´t miss the experience of seeing them *live and in color*, it does make a big difference!

For info about customer services and policies, please visit my Marketplace shop and read these. If you have any questions please send me an IM in world, I`ll be happy to answer them.

xxx Carlotta

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Original SL Artwork
  • Framed Picture on Canvas
  • Unique Art
  • SL Photography by Carlotta Ceawlin
  • Image with distinctive mood and magic

L$ 300

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Dreamscapes Art Gallery & Dreamscapes Decor
Dreamscapes Art Gallery & Dreamscapes Decor
Vendido por: Carlotta Ceawlin

Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

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  • Usuario con licencia
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Malla: 100% Malla
Impacto en el terreno: 1