RudeGirls - Amelie Shape for LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR HEAD 4.0

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- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Belleza Gen X Curvy
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Belleza Gen X Classic
- 02 Shapes LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and eBODY Reborn
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Erika
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Khara Inithium
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Kupra Inithium
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Legacy
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Legacy Pinup Bombshell
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Maitreya LaraX
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Maitreya Lara 5.3
- 01 Shape LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 and Prima Femme Elite
- 03 Eyebrow Shapes
- 04 Physics
- The Style card is complete, with all items shown in the picture.
- Refunds only for double purchases;
- No demo;
- Head, skin and body is not included, you need to purchase these items from their creators.
- It is only for LeLUTKA EVOX SUGAR 4.0 Head.
- Please confirm that your head is the same as this shape before purchase.
- To have the same Look as the pic, you'll need the same skin and accessories shown on the notecard.
- We are not responsible if other stores (skins, hair, etc.) change location or decide to discontinue a product. Information on the Style Card is correct as of the time of the creation of the shape.

*** Unedited Pics ***

*Show on eBODY Reborn

Need help? Do not hesitate to contact me in the world or via notecard. I'll be happy to help.

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  • RudeGirls - Amelie Shape LeL EVOX SUGAR HEAD 4.0

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Vendido por: DelinaMarly
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