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✯ Belleza Freya - Isis - Venus
✯ eBody curvy
✯ Maitreya
✯ Slink Hourglass - Physique
✯ Tonic T-Curvy - T-Fine
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✯ Copy
✯ No Modification
✯ No Transfer
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Dear customer,
before you buy this outfit, I would like to mention that I can't guarantee a 100% fit for every body and shape without using the Alpha-Hud or modify your shape. Please try the DEMO-Version before buying.
Please don't use the MP reviews as a customer service or complaint portal. Feel free to contact me Inworld for problems and questions about your order / delivery via NC or IM. I will try my best to help you. If you don't receive an answer from me within 48 hours, your request was lost by SL, please write me again.
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