SEmotion Blog
SEmotion Dandy AO HUD is
- Male mocap SEmotion AOs.
- It includes 30 new animations
>> 5 stands, >> 5 sits, >> 5 groundsits
and 5 walks, crouch, walkcrouch, landing, falling, sdand up, running, fly, hovering, fly up/down, fly slow, jump, prejump animations.
Some special features
>>> HUD System Updated!
Stable AO HUD! Minimized the probability of hack attacks on scripted attachment.
>>> Away ON / OFF
Use your favorite animation for AFK. It has one animation for free already, but you can upload yours.
>>> Load more than one animation for Running, Flying, Jumping, etc.
Have you a lot of favorite animation? Upload them in SEmotion AO!
>>> Sit anywhere
Updated! More easy to use! All groundsit animations in your SEmotion AO works automatically - just choose one from menu and no need to search for ground or type the command for sit.
>>> Realtime scrolling poses
Two new arrows "Next" and "Back" to change current play animation (Not only Stands now, Sits, Groundsits!). It's very easy, only one click.
>>> Hug in AO HUD!
Hug your friends! Just say !hug name, and hug your friends.
>>> Modify, Copy
Add your lovely animations and copy it for different outfit!
And more, more...
Join Semotion Studio HUDs and AOs group!
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Realtime scrolling poses >> Standing, Sitting, Walking, Running, Jumping chooser
- Update system! All updates are free.
- Expressions! >> Smile, be sad or be angry via our system
- Chat commands >> Control your HUD via commands in local chat
- Typing ON / OFF >> Have you the favorite type animation? Load it to SEmotion!