STOP! This is a demo.
- Bento
- BoM capable
- 12 animated expressions
one of the most versatile furry heads you can currently find
(I bought this head back when it was released in Abnormality last year, so I just thought I'd use the demo to give my thoughts!)
Just to get things out of the way, since this IS a review on the demo, it works fine! It's not timed, and it showcases pretty much all you need to see if the head is right for you!
Now onto the head itself. This has become incredibly popular, and for good reason - it's just a really good product overall. It's really nice to see another dragon head that isn't more on the edgy or overly realistic side! It looks absolutely adorable and is perfect for those going for a cutesy look.
The big perk of this head is just how versatile it is - of course you can make it into a dragon or reptile, but those are NOT the only options. With the different mouths and even a newly added dog nose version (which isn't in the demo but is very good for the smaller dog breeds out there), you can make it into pretty much any animal species you can think of! From canines, to felines, to rodents, to ungulates, to reptiles, to... literally anything! It helps that this head has massive support from other furry creators.
The only thing I think I could criticize the head for, and it is a small nitpick because you can just manually rotate the textures yourself, is that the BOM eye texture rotate option on the HUD doesn't seem to work, but that's not enough for me to dock any stars.
Coupled with a good price and some well animated expressions, and you have one of the best furry heads out there currently. Overall, I highly recommend this not just to SL dragons, but to SL furries as a whole.
Disclaimer: I bought the full version of the head at Abnormality, but wanted to give a review here.
After some initial issues, which were quickly patched out, this is a very lovely head.
Some nice expressions round out the package. As far as I tried it works relatively well with rigged hair.
With the right mod it can also be more than just "stupid cute dergon".~ But for people wanting to be the stupid cute dergon they want to see in the world: This is the head for you.