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[SKL] Toddleedoo Team Rugby Mesh Shortalls / Overalls SHORT Versión TODDLEEDOO

[SKL] Toddleedoo Team Rugby Mesh Shortalls / Overalls SHORT

SOKEN KIDS TD MESH - rigged to your avatar, Toddleedoo KID & Toddleedoo BABY sizes included. Try our free demo products to test fitting. Enjoy <3

ONE TEXTURE FITS ALL! Did you know that Soken meshes cater to Regular Kid Avatars, Toddleedoo Kids, & Toddleedoo Baby avatars too? They are made so you can use the same texture on all of them, so u only need to make 1 texture to fit all three avatars! The UV maps of each mesh model are the same.

- 100% MESH.
- For Toddleedoo Kid & Baby Avatars Only!
- TD Kid & Baby Sizes Included!
- No More Paper Thin TD Mesh Materials!
- No More Backface Culling! (No Transparent Insides)

★ Please leave us a kind review after purchase to help us out! ^_^

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★ BLOG: http://www.sokenkidsmesh.tk/

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