S&P Melody shirt sky (wear to unpack)

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interactive shirt

included sizes: Maitreya Lara, Slink Hourglass, Belleza Freya, TMP Legacy

please try a free demo before purchase

The item is water sensitive. If it gets in contact with SL default water it will turn wet, drip and will also dry in the sun again.
By default it will take 90 seconds for it to be medium dry and another 90 seconds to dry fully.
Taking it off wet, it will stay wet in your inventory. You actually have to wear it to dry again.

You can instant dry it by wearing the included towel (add)


set your own drying time via the included HUD. click "set drying time" and enter the seconds you wish the look to stay between the 3 stages.
Example: if you set 20 sec, it will take 20 sec from wet to medium dry, and another 20 to fully dry.

Click "stay wet" to keep the wet look. it will not dry anymore at all

Set to "interactive" , to make it react to default SL water and all interactive S&P items

S&P offers various other items like showers, watergun and quick dry towels that interact with this item as well

join the Salt & Pepper update group inworld, to receive 10% store credit on all items in the mainstore (excluding gachas & promotion items), amazing group gifts and an exclusive membership to The Birdcage!



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Vendido por: Salt Peppermint
Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

Este objeto contiene objetos que se puede poner tu avatar.

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