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.:SSTFP:.~WHBRH~ Clay Bank

.:SSTFP:.~WHBRH~ Clay Bank
.:SSTFP:.~WHBRH~ Clay Bank
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The Flying Pony by Sinder Studios brings you a new skin on this amazing day, this skin is meant for your Water Horse Bento Riding Horse only. Recommended for the Quarter Horse shape, but works on all.
Available in the shop and as always I can show you what the skin looks like.

Claybank is a beautiful Red Dun skin, with high hand painted detail, this is a base coat, and comes as shown in the image. Those markings hand painted on are on that coat that you would be purchasing.

QA: why are your coats so cheap?
Answer: Because I don't see the point in spending 300L + on a texture for a horse, so I don't want customers thinking I am being unreasonable if I am not willing to do something, why would customers want to?
QA: It looks dirty? Or weird?
Answer: A lot of the times, its actually not dirty, and it's just the muscle tone of the horse. No, I will not tone down the muscle tone of the horse. Because then I am going into even more complexity.

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L$ 200

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.:The Flying pony:.
.:The Flying pony:.
Vendido por: ShaldowSin

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Es apta para los avatares ~*WH*~ Riding Horse
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